
Cambium ePMP 4600 4x4 Antenna by IsoHorns

Introducing the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna, a revolutionary antenna designed to outperform traditional wireless internet service provider (WISP) sector panel antennas.

This advanced antenna technology provides superior beam control and precision, significantly reducing interference and enhancing signal strength. Ideal for high-density and challenging environments, the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna offers unparalleled scalability and flexibility, making it a top choice for WISP network operators. With its compact design and improved installation process, this antenna ensures better spectral efficiency, lower side lobes, and higher gain, setting a new standard for wireless internet service providers.

Discover how the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna can transform your network with enhanced performance, reliability, and user experience.

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ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna Compared to a Sector Panel Antenna

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna and a sector panel antenna each have unique characteristics and advantages. Here are the key advantages of an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna compared to a sector panel antenna:

Improved Beam Control and Precision

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna provides more precise beam control and directivity, which helps in targeting specific areas and reducing interference. This can be particularly beneficial in dense urban environments where minimizing interference is crucial. In contrast, a sector panel antenna typically has a broader beamwidth, which can cover larger areas but with less precision.

Improved Installation

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas are often smaller and more compact, making them less obtrusive and easier to install in various locations, including on existing infrastructure. Sector panel antennas are larger and more conspicuous, which can be a concern in certain installation scenarios.

Higher Gain and Signal Strength

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna generally offers higher gain, leading to stronger signal strength and improved coverage distance. This helps in maintaining signal quality over longer distances. While sector panel antennas can cover wider areas, the gain is usually lower compared to an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna.

Reduced Interference

The narrow beamwidth of an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna minimizes the overlap with adjacent signals, reducing co-channel and adjacent-channel interference. This is advantageous in scenarios where multiple antennas are deployed close to each other. Sector panel antennas are more prone to interference due to their wider beamwidth.

Scalability and Flexibility

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas offer greater flexibility in network design, allowing for more scalable and adaptable deployments. They can be easily adjusted or reconfigured to meet changing network demands. Sector panel antennas are less flexible in terms of reconfiguration and scalability.

Better Spectral Effiency

With more focused beams, an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna can achieve better spectral efficiency by utilizing the available spectrum more effectively. This leads to higher data throughput and capacity. Sector panel antennas typically have lower spectral efficiency due to the broader coverage area and potential for increased interference.

Lower Side Lobes

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas tend to have lower side lobes compared to sector panel antennas, resulting in less unwanted radiation and interference. Higher side lobes in sector panel antennas can lead to more interference and signal degradation.

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna Split Sector

The flexibility to do split sectors or use a single horn is another significant advantage of an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna over a sector panel antenna. Here are some details on this aspect:


Split Sector Flexibility

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas allow for easy splitting of sectors. You can deploy each horn to cover different sectors, which enables more granular control over the coverage area. This flexibility is particularly useful for optimizing network performance and managing interference in high-density areas. For instance, you can configure one horn to cover a specific direction and the other to cover a different direction, effectively doubling the capacity and reducing the risk of congestion. Sector panel antennas generally cover a wide area with a single broad beam, making them less flexible for splitting sectors. Adjustments to coverage typically require deploying additional sector antennas, which can increase complexity and cost.

Single Horn Deployment

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas can be deployed as two separate single horns if needed. This flexibility allows network operators to start with a single horn and later upgrade to a double horn setup as demand grows. This incremental approach can be cost-effective and scalable, allowing for adjustments based on actual network usage and requirements. While you can use a single sector panel antenna, it does not offer the same modularity or ease of upgrade to a more focused or split-sector configuration without adding more antennas.


Adjustable Coverage Areas

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas provide the ability to fine-tune the coverage areas by adjusting the orientation and alignment of each horn. This level of control is beneficial for targeting specific customer bases or adjusting to geographical and environmental constraints. Sector panel antennas offer less granularity in adjusting coverage areas. Changes in coverage typically require repositioning or adding more sector antennas.

Optimized Performance for Specific Applications

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas can be optimized for specific applications or environments by configuring each horn differently. For example, one horn can be set up for long-range coverage while the other focuses on high-density short-range coverage. This dual-purpose deployment maximizes efficiency and performance. Sector panel antennas are more suited for uniform coverage over a wide area, which may not be as efficient for applications requiring varied performance characteristics.


ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas offer a cost-effective solution for growing networks. Operators can start with a single horn setup and expand to double horns as the network grows, spreading out the investment over time. Sector panel antennas may require a higher initial investment for wide-area coverage and additional costs for incremental upgrades or adding more antennas to meet increasing demand.

Advantages of an ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna Compared to a Single Horn

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna offers several advantages over a single horn in wireless communication systems, particularly in the context of Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs). Here are some key benefits:


Increased Capacity and Throughput

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna can handle more data traffic than a single horn because it can support multiple channels simultaneously. This leads to higher overall capacity and throughput, allowing for more users and better service quality.


Improved Signal Coverage

An ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antenna can handle more data traffic than a single horn because it can support multiple channels simultaneously. This leads to higher overall capacity and throughput, allowing for more users and better service quality.


Enhanced Signal Quality and Stability

With two horns, the system can better manage and mitigate interference and multipath effects. This results in a more stable and higher quality signal, which is crucial for maintaining reliable internet service.


Increased Redudancy

An ePMP 4600 4x4 setup offers redundancy, meaning if one horn fails, the other can continue to provide service, thereby enhancing the reliability of the network.


Better Spatial Separation

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas can be used to achieve better spatial separation of signals, reducing the likelihood of interference between different signals and improving overall network performance.


Flexibility in Deployment

ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas provide more flexibility in deployment, as they can be configured in various ways to meet specific coverage and capacity needs. This adaptability is particularly useful in complex or variable environments.


Improved Spectral Efficiency

By using multiple horns, ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas can make more efficient use of the available spectrum, leading to better performance in terms of data rates and network efficiency.

These advantages make ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Antennas a popular choice for WISPs looking to enhance their network performance, reliability, and user experience.

Advantages of Using the 6 GHz Cambium Networks ePMP 4600 4x4 Radio with ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount in Split Sector

Using a 4x4 split sector radio, like the Cambium Networks ePMP 4600, offers several advantages over using two separate 2x2 radios, such as the ePMP 4600L, particularly when paired with the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna and the IsoHorns WB6-A90 2x2 single horn antenna, especially in the 6 GHz frequency band:

Advantage ePMP Photo

Increased Capacity

A 4x4 radio, like the ePMP 4600, can provide higher data throughput compared to two 2x2 radios, such as the ePMP 4600L. This is because it can handle more simultaneous data streams, leading to better overall performance. When used with the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna, the capacity is maximized across the 6 GHz band.

Improved Synchronization

The split sector mode in a 4x4 radio, such as the ePMP 4600, ensures that transmissions are synchronized, reducing the chances of interference and improving network efficiency. This synchronization is more challenging to achieve with two separate 2x2 radios, even with GPS sync. Using the IsoHorns WB6-A90 2x2 single horn antenna with the ePMP 4600L can also be less effective in maintaining synchronization compared to the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount.

Simplified Deployment

Using a single 4x4 radio, like the ePMP 4600, simplifies the network architecture. It reduces the need for additional infrastructure and equipment, making installation and maintenance easier and more cost-effective. The ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna complements this by providing a streamlined and efficient setup. In contrast, deploying two 2x2 radios, like the ePMP 4600L with the IsoHorns WB6-A90 2x2 single horn antenna, can be more complex and cumbersome.

Enhanced Coverage

A 4x4 radio, such as the ePMP 4600, can provide more uniform coverage across the sector, reducing dead zones and ensuring more consistent performance for all users within the sector. The ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna enhances this capability, particularly in the 6 GHz band. Conversely, two separate 2x2 radios, like the ePMP 4600L with the IsoHorns WB6-A90 2x2 single horn antenna, may result in uneven coverage.

Lower Latency

With a single 4x4 radio, such as the ePMP 4600, data packets do not need to switch between different radios, reducing latency and improving the overall user experience. This benefit is further supported by the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna. Using two 2x2 radios, like the ePMP 4600L with the IsoHorns WB6-A90 2x2 single horn antenna, may introduce additional latency due to the need for data packet switching.Overall, the 4x4 split sector setup with the Cambium Networks ePMP 4600 and the ePMP 4600 4x4 Double Horn Stand Off Mount antenna, especially in the 6 GHz band, is designed to deliver higher capacity, better synchronization, simplified deployment, enhanced coverage, and lower latency compared to using two separate 2x2 radios, such as the ePMP 4600L 2x2 with the IsoHorns WB6-A90 single horn antenna.

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